Git and github ============== Introduction to git ------------------- All data and code is managed using git as **version control system** in combination with GitHub. A good introduction about the advantages of Git and GitHub in bioinformatics is :download:`Perez-Riverol2019 <./resources/git/Perez-Riverol2019.pdf>`. Version control is a system that records changes to a file or set of files over time so that you can recall specific versions later. It allows multiple people to work cooperatively on a project. For an introduction read `getting started - about version control `_ and `getting started - what is git `_. Multiple people can work together on a single project by having local copies of a repository which are synchronized with the remote repository. .. image:: /resources/git/git_central_vs_remote_repositories.jpg :alt: Git and github :width: 400 Various online online resources provide an interactive introduction to the concepts of git, see for instance ` `_. We recommend to do the following short online course giving an overview of the core git commands such as ``branch``, ``add``, ``commit``, ``merge``. Online course: ` `_. Most important git commands --------------------------- The following cheat sheet provides an overview over the most important git commands: :download:`github-git-cheat-sheet <./resources/git/github-git-cheat-sheet.pdf>`. Initial setup ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After git installation you should first setup your environment. Set the name you want attached to your commit transactions:: git config --global "[name]" Set the email you want attached to your commit transactions:: git config --global "[email address]" Enable helpful colorization of command line output:: git config --global color.ui auto Working with a repository ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In this section we provide a basic overview of the main workflow and commands used with git. The normal workflow consists of getting a local copy of the repository (``clone``). After modifying files locally this are added to git (``add``) and the changes are uploaded again (``commit``). By pulling the latest changes (``pull``) an existing copy can be updated. Command such as ``status``, ``diff`` and ``log`` provide information about the current status and the history of the repository. .. image:: /resources/git/git-and-github-workflow.png To work with a project first you have to clone the repository, i.e., getting a local copy. Clone (download) a repository that already exists on GitHub, including all of the files, branches, and commits:: git clone [url] Next make sure you work on the right branch, i.e., you have to switch the branch. Switch to the specified branch and updates the working directory:: git checkout [branch-name] After making changes to files, these have to be added and commited. Snapshot the file in preparation for versioning.:: git add [file] Record file snapshots permanently in version history:: git commit -m "[descriptive message]" GitHub ------ We use `GitHub `_ as a platform to work with git. The next step is to complete the free online course on GitHub (after you created an account on ` `_). The course is available from ` `_. You will learn - What is GitHub? - How does one use GitHub? - What are issues and pull requests? - How do you create a branch and a commit? - How do you use GitHub Pages? And when you're done you'll be able to: - Communicate in issues - Manage notifications - Create branches - Make commits - Introduce changes with pull requests - Deploy a web page to GitHub pages After following the basic tutorials you are ready to work on a real project. Resources --------- - git book - Getting started - About version control, ` `_ - git book - Getting started - What is git?, ` `_ - resources to learn git, ` `_ - online course git; ` `_ - :download:`github-git-cheat-sheet <./resources/git/github-git-cheat-sheet.pdf>` - github course, ` `_ - Perez-Riverol Y, Gatto L, Wang R, Sachsenberg T, Uszkoreit J, Leprevost Fda V, Fufezan C, Ternent T, Eglen SJ, Katz DS, Pollard TJ, Konovalov A, Flight RM, Blin K, VizcaĆ­no JA. Ten Simple Rules for Taking Advantage of Git and GitHub. PLoS Comput Biol. 2016 Jul 14;12(7):e1004947. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1004947. Erratum in: PLoS Comput Biol. 2019 Jun 14;15(6):e1007142. PMID: 27415786; PMCID: PMC4945047. :download:`PDF <./resources/git/Perez-Riverol2019.pdf>`